

Kristina Ulicna在人工智能显微镜研讨会上的视频演示

[Translate to chinese:] Separation of cells based on their tracking status: A colourised binary mask of a time-lapse microscopy field of view of medium confluency with individual cells highlighted as survivors if they can be tracked since the initial movie frame (cyan), incomers if they migrated into the field of view throughout the movie (yellow) or mistracks if an error occurred in the automated trajectory reconstruction (red). Tracking_single_cells_using_deep_learning_teaser.jpg




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  • [Translate to chinese:] THY1-EGFP labeled neurons in mouse brain processed using the PEGASOS 2 tissue clearing method, imaged on a Leica confocal microscope. Neurons were traced using Aivia’s 3D Neuron Analysis – FL recipe. Image credit: Hu Zhao, Chinese Institute for Brain Research.


    神经元的3D形态学分析通常需要使用不同的成像模式,捕捉多种类型的神经元,并在各种密度下相连的传统Leica SP8显微镜采集多达解神经元的形态,这对许多研究人员来说仍然是一个耗时的挑战。

    Jun 16, 2023
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  • AI-based workflow for fast rare event detection in living biological samples using Autonomous Microscopy powered by Aivia



    Jun 06, 2023
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  • Left-hand image: The distribution of immune cells (white) and blood vessels (pink) in white adipose tissue (image captured using the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture). Right-hand image: The same image after automated analysis using Aivia, with each immune cell color-coded based on its distance to the nearest blood vessel. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.


    利用荧光显微镜的特异性,即便是使用厚样品和大尺寸样品,研究人员也能够快速轻松地准确观察和分析生物学过程和结构。然而,离焦荧光会提高背景荧光,降低对比度,影响图像的精确分割。THUNDER 与Aivia…

    Jan 17, 2022
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