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Leica Microsystems develops and manufactures microscopes and scientific instruments for the analysis of microstructures and nanostructures.

We offer scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies.

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癌症是一种复杂的异质性疾病,由于细胞生长失控而引起。 一个或一组细胞的基因和表观遗传的变化破坏了正常功能,导致细胞自发、不受控制地生长和增殖。

A Guide to Super-Resolution

Find out more about Leica super-resolution microscopy solutions and how they can empower you to visualize in fine detail subcellular structures and dynamics.


Leica photomanipulation


The term photomanipulation encompasses a range of techniques that utilize the properties of fluorescent molecules to initiate events and observe how dynamic complexes behave over time in living cells.…


实施解剖工作时,您可以通过解剖显微镜的目镜观察很长时间。 徕卡显微系统为您提供各种显微镜和范围广泛的解剖显微镜零配件,确保您能找到最符合您需求的显微镜解决方案。


您的工作是更好地了解神经退行性疾病,还是研究神经系统的功能? 了解如何使用徕卡显微系统的成像解决方案取得突破。


您的主要研究对象是病毒感染和疾病吗? 了解如何使用徕卡显微系统公司的成像和样本制备解决方案深入研究病毒学。




为了在筛选、分拣、操作和成像过程中获取高质量结果,您需要观察细节和结构,从而为您的下一步研究做出正确的决策。 徕卡体视显微镜和透射光底座以出众的光学器件和优良的分辨率而闻名,是全世界研究学者的首选。


Developing embryos of different species at different stages during the elongation of their posterior body axis, from left to right in developmental time. The labelled regions in red depict a region of undifferentiated cells called the tailbud, with the corresponding region generated from that tissue shaded in grey. Upper row: lamprey; middle row: catshark; bottom row, zebrafish. This figure has been adapted from the following publication: Steventon, B., Duarte, F., Lagadec, R., Mazan, S., Nicolas, J.-F., & Hirsinger, E. (2016). Species tailoured contribution of volumetric growth and tissue convergence to posterior body elongation in vertebrates. Development, 2016. 143(10):1732-41

How to Study Gene Regulatory Networks in Embryonic Development

Join Dr. Andrea Boni by attending this on-demand webinar to explore how light-sheet microscopy revolutionizes developmental biology. This advanced imaging technique allows for high-speed, volumetric…
[Translate to chinese:] GLP-1 and PYY localized to distinct secretory pools in L-cells.

前沿成像技术用于 GPCR 信号传导

通过这个按需网络研讨会,提升您的药理研究,了解 GPCR 信号传导,并探索旨在理解 GPCR 信号如何转化为细胞和生理反应的尖端成像技术。发现领先的研究,扩展我们对这些关键通路的认识,以寻找新的药物发现途径。
Stripe assay performed on a THUNDER Imager Cell. Courtesy of Maria Carrasquero Ordaz, University of Oxford.

Revealing Neuronal Migration’s Molecular Secrets

Different approaches can be used to investigate neuronal migration to their niche in the developing brain. In this webinar, experts from The University of Oxford present the microscopy tools and…
Immunofluorescence image of a mouse enodmetrial organoid stained with CK14 and DAPI

Advancing Uterine Regenerative Therapies with Endometrial Organoids

Prof. Kang's group investigates important factors that determine the uterine microenvironment in which embryo insertion and pregnancy are successfully maintained. They are working to develop new…
[Translate to chinese:] Mosaic scan of a Masson-Goldner stained cat brain. Magnification: 20x.


通过高覆盖率靶向脂质组学分析稀疏细胞,深入探讨细胞复杂性。这种先进的方法结合了激光显微切割(LMD)和液相色谱-质谱/质谱(LC-MS/MS),揭示了单细胞水平的代谢变化,阐明了糖尿病和肥胖等疾病。通过采用激光显微切割(LMD)获得无污染样本,并使用 SCIEX 7500 系统提高灵敏度,该方法成功检测到 285…
[Translate to chinese:] Evolved ARveo 8: Operating Room (OR) set-up.



激光显微切割技术用于组织和细胞分离的协议 - 免费下载电子书

[Translate to chinese:] Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moos. Liberali lab. FMI Basel (Switzerland).


展示复杂多细胞系统的动态是生物学中的一个基本目标。为了应对在大型时空尺度上进行活体成像的挑战,作者在《自然·方法》杂志上发表的一篇论文中介绍了一种开放式多样本双视野光片显微镜。研究发现,Viventis LS2 Live显微镜在以单细胞分辨率成像大型样本方面取得了显著进展。
[Translate to chinese:] Multicolor fixed STED image. Inner ear section, mouse, TauSTED Xtend 589 on AF488 and TauSTED Xtend 775 on AF633-Phalloidin. Sample courtesy of Dennis Derstrof, Klinik für Hals-, Nasen und Ohrenheilkunde, Universität Marburg & Prof. Dr. Dominik Oliver aus dem Institut für Physiologie und Pathophysiologie, Abteilung für Neurophysiologie, Universität Marburg.


新的STED显微技术方法——TauSTED Xtend,使得在纳米级别下对活体完整样本进行扩展多色成像成为可能。通过结合空间和寿命信息,TauSTED Xtend提供了额外一层信息,允许在极低的光剂量下分辨小细节并在整体结构中解析它们。
[Translate to chinese:] Multicolor TauSTED Xtend 775 for Cell Biology applications that require nanoscopy resolution for multiple cellular components. Cells showing vimentin fibrils (AF 594), actin network (ATTO 647N), and nuclear pore basket (CF 680R). Sample courtesy of Brigitte Bergner, Mariano Gonzales Pisfil, Steffen Dietzel, Core Facility Bioimaging, Biomedical Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.




组织的多重成像对于肿瘤-免疫相互作用的研究以及人类细胞图谱等发现工作越来越重要。 欢迎加入我们的演讲,Andrea J. Radtke 博士解释了如何使用迭代漂白扩展多重性 (IBEX) 绘制组织图谱,并讨论了用于多重成像的广泛社区资源。
[Translate to chinese:] Spheroid stained with Cyan: Dapi nuclear countertain; Green AF488 Involucrin; Orange AF55 Phalloidin Actin; Magenta AF647 CK14.


[Translate to chinese:] Hepatocellular Carcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown – Beta-Catenin, CD3D, CD4, CD8a, CD31, CD44, CD163, DAPI, PanCK, PCK26, PD1, SMA, and Vimentin.


Alison Cheung博士展示了如何利用蛋白质多重成像技术为癌症研究提供定量见解,与她一起探索肿瘤异质性和免疫细胞动态。
[Translate to chinese:] Murine esophageal organoids (DAPI, Integrin26-AF 488, SOX2-AF568) imaged with the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Courtesy of Dr. F.T. Arroso Martins, Tamere University, Finland.


[Translate to chinese:] Esophageal tissue with a squamous cell carcinoma labelled with the 4 biomarkers PanCk, DAPI, NaKATPase, and Vimentin.


Application example of hyperspectral imaging


[Translate to chinese:] Serious Game in Intraoperative Neurosurgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Lucas Troude.


模拟训练在神经外科教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为徕卡神经可视化峰会(Leica Neurovisualization Summit)的一部分,Lucas Troude 博士在独家网络研讨会上介绍了术中神经外科严肃游戏(SGION)。
[Translate to chinese:] Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) stained with osmium tetroxide (OsO4), sectioned with a DIATOME diamond knife at room temperature, and then imaged with HAADF TEM.


[Translate to chinese:] Single cell datasets

利用 SPARCS 探索亚细胞空间表型

功能日益强大的显微镜可提供信息丰富的各种细胞表型数据。如果与深度学习的最新进展相结合,这将成为在基因筛选中读出感兴趣的生物表型的理想技术。在本网络讲座中,您将了解到空间分辨 CRISPR 筛选 (SPARCS),这是一种利用自动化高速激光显微切割技术在人类基因组尺度上揭示各种亚细胞空间表型的平台。
[Translate to chinese:] Caption: Collaboration is key Picture copyright: Donenko Oleksii, Shutterstock


撒哈拉以南非洲地区的神经外科面临着诸多挑战。在徕卡神经可视化峰会(Leica Neurovisualization Summit)期间,来自世界各地的神经外科医生汇聚一堂,Claire Karekezi 博士在独家网络研讨会上分享了她在资源有限的情况下建立神经外科的经验。
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