
徕卡 MZ10 F 体视显微镜采用 TripleBeam™ 专利技术,可用于常规立体荧光成像


  • 10:1 zoom range with high numerical aperture of 0.125 for excellent representation of small structures.
  • 8倍- 80倍放大倍率标准变焦镜头 - 日常分拣任务的理想选择,便于从概览到细节的观察。
  • TripleBeam ™ 技术 单独的光路专门用于荧光照明,提供了高品质的对比度和细节荧光成像。
  • 快速转换: Fluo III快速滤色镜转换器 - 允许在4种不同的滤色镜套件之间的进行快速交换以进行简单方便的成像。
  • 三束滤色镜套件 - 各种适用于特定荧光应用的标准和自定义的滤色镜。
  • Comprehensive user protection against UV radiation.
  • Innovative contrast possibilities with Leica’s high-performance transmitted light bases.
Leica MZ10 F Modular Stereo Microscope
Leica MZ10 F Modular Stereo Microscope

Fluorescence Technology for Routine Use

The Leica MZ10 F fluorescence microscope supports researchers while viewing, sorting and selecting fluorescent specimens in the laboratory. With its excellent image contrast, 8× to 80× magnification, modular design and M-series accessories, the Leica MZ10 F fulfills all laboratory requirements with regard to fluorescence.

The 10:1 zoom range and high magnification, spanning from 8× to 80×, make this stereomicroscope the correct choice for quick sorting and screening tasks. The high resolution of 375Lp/ mm and 0.125 numerical aperture (1.0× PlanAPO) provide the possibility to view smallstructures clearly and precisely. Combined with a large choice of illumination systems, main objectives, and ergonomic accessories, the Leica MZ10 F is the ideal solution for routine fluorescence use.

The outstanding feature of the Leica MZ10 F: TripleBeam™, Leica’s patented third beam path. This separate fluorescence illuminator ensures that light at all zoom positions is accurately guided through the correct path to ensure a dark background within the field of view. The high signal-to-noise ratio results in best-in-class contrast and high-quality fluorescence images that are rich in detail and reflex- free, with jet black backgrounds.

UV Protection

The substantial Leica UV precautions protect the user from damage through UV radiation. UV barrier filters are permanently installed in the observation beam paths. In addition, a UV protection screen above the specimen plane, a stray-light protection at the mercury lamp housing, and blank filter cartridges are installed in the empty filter positions.

Fluorescent specimens
Fluorescent specimens

Accessories to Enhance Your Daily Work

Leica’s comprehensive range of accessories provides a solution for every research requirement. The convenient observation of specimens is supported by the motorized focusing, high-performance transmitted-light stands and a variety of tubes and ergonomic accessories. The Leica MATS thermocontrol stage allows for observation of living samples in a controlled environment.

Leica EL6000 External light source for fluorescence excitation
Leica EL6000 External light source for fluorescence excitation

Intelligent Automation for Digital Fluorescence

For documentation of research results, Leica Microsystems provides a choice of powerful digital cameras. The Leica Application Suite (LAS) offers a multitude of options for automated image acquisition, analysis, measurement and comparative observation of images., processing, assembly, presentation, and sequencing. Efficiency in daily laboratory work is granted by the database modules of the LAS software. With a variety of modules available, LAS offers perfect results for multiple fluorescence recordings in cell biology, genetics, botany, and pharmacology.

LAS X software platform
LAS X software platform
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