



Improvement of Imaging Techniques to Understand Organelle Membrane Cell Dynamics

Understanding cell functions in normal and tumorous tissue is a key factor in advancing research of potential treatment strategies and understanding why some treatments might fail. Single-cell…

How FLIM Microscopy Helps to Detect Microplastic Pollution

The use of autofluorescence in biological samples is a widely used method to gain detailed knowledge about systems or organisms. This property is not only found in biological systems, but also…

使用徕卡M530 OHX显微镜进行肿瘤整形手术


Neurosurgery with Heads-up Display

In the following video interviews Prof. Dr. Raphael Guzman, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, talks about his experience in heads-up…


凭借十余年来在荧光成像技术领域的领先地位,MFL800是具有徕卡专利的AR荧光增强现实平台众多模式中首个上市的荧光模式。 AR荧光增强现实平台拥有精密的成像传感器和复杂的算法,能够对多个谱段的光线进行摄取、优化和组合,最终呈现色彩自然的组织解剖结构,准确表达荧光亮度。

Clinical Uses in Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Neurosurgery

In this webinar Dr. Bendok and Dr. Morcos explain how Augmented Reality and Fluorescence can enhance visualization and support surgical decision making. They present first-hand experience of the GLOW…

What is a Spectral Detector (SP Detector)?

The SP detector from Leica Microsystems denotes a compound detection unit for point scanning microscopes, in particular confocal microscopes. The SP detector splits light into up to 5 spectral bands.…

Which Sensor is the Best for Confocal Imaging?

The Hybrid Photodetectors (HyD) are! Why that is the case is explained in this short Science Lab article.


在您的科研生涯的某个时候,都有可能会用到荧光显微镜。这种无处不在的技术改变了显微镜学家对研究对象进行成像、标记和追踪的方式,不论是整个生物体,还是单个蛋白质等等。 通过本文,我们将探讨什么是“荧光”,包括其定义背后的历史和基础物理原理,绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的发现和应用,并展望量子点等荧光探针不断扩大的应用领域。
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