


[Translate to chinese:] Camera image during auto alignment. The feedback lines indicate if the correct edges in the image are detected. Green: Vertical center line; Magenta: Upper edge of the light gap; White: Lower edge of the light gap (not visible here, falling together with red line); Red: Knife edge; Blue: Left and right edge of the block face being automatically detected.


[Translate to chinese:] Section ribbons with increasing section thickness - silver to purple ending in blue sections.


UC Enuity能够应对这一挑战,提供厚度一致且高质量的切片。其用户友好的设计不仅简化了研究过程,还提高了可重复性,使研究者对所得到的结论更有信心。
[Translate to chinese:] Multicolor TauSTED Xtend 775 for Cell Biology applications that require nanoscopy resolution for multiple cellular components. Cells showing vimentin fibrils (AF 594), actin network (ATTO 647N), and nuclear pore basket (CF 680R). Sample courtesy of Brigitte Bergner, Mariano Gonzales Pisfil, Steffen Dietzel, Core Facility Bioimaging, Biomedical Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.


An 8-color spectral unmixing result from a hyperspectral SRS (stimulated Raman scattering) dataset, showing the biochemically distinct structures of a fresh, untreated apple slice.

How to Prepare Samples for Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) imaging

Find here guidelines for how to prepare samples for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), acquire images, analyze data, and develop suitable workflows. SRS spectroscopic imaging is also known as SRS…
Image of a Siemens star, where the diameter of the 1st black line circle is 10 mm and the 2nd is 20 mm, taken via an eyepiece of a M205 A stereo microscope. The rectangles represent the field of view (FOV) of a Leica digital camera when installed with various C-mounts (red 0.32x, blue 0.5x, green 0.63x).


[Translate to chinese:] Molecular structure of the green fluorescent protein (GFP)


本文概述了荧光蛋白及其光谱特性。随着 20 世纪 50 年代末荧光蛋白的发现,荧光显微技术发生了巨大变化。它始于 O. Shimomura 和来自水母(Aequorea victoria)的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)[1]。后来出现了数百种 GFP…
Micrograph of dinoflagellate cells. Scale bar = 1 µm.

How Marine Microorganism Analysis can be Improved with High-pressure Freezing

In this application example we showcase the use of EM-Sample preparation with high pressure freezing, freeze substiturion and ultramicrotomy for marine biology focusing on ultrastructural analysis of…
Patch pipette touching a murine hippocampal neuron. Image courtesy of A. Aguado, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.


[Translate to chinese:] Neurons imaged with DIC contrast.


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