


Schematic graph of the light path in a Spalt-Ultramikroskop.

Confocal and Light Sheet Imaging

Optical imaging instrumentation can magnify tiny objects, zoom in on distant stars and reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. But it notoriously suffers from an annoying problem: the…
Leica LMD7

Consumables for Laser Microdissection

There are many different types of consumables for laser microdissection (LMD) systems. They cover a wide range of applications from basic to highly specialized, enabling scientists to choose their own…

Universal PAINT – Dynamic Super-Resolution Microscopy

Super-resolution microscopy techniques have revolutionized biology for the last ten years. With their help cellular components can now be visualized at the size of a protein. Nevertheless, imaging…

Nanoscale or Microscale Structures Formed in Polymers Containing Nanotubes Greatly Enhance the Electrical Conductivity

The excellent mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes have led to them being exploited for the creation of a new class of high performance polymer composites. Due to important…


低温下观察完全含水、未染色样本的透射电子显微镜(cryo TEM)是结构生物学、细胞生物学、药理学和其他科学分支的通用工具。通过将标本放入冷冻剂中进行超快速冷冻(投入式冻结)是一种常用的方法,用于制备在透射电镜观察的各种标本。本文是对投入式冷冻的补充,介绍了在不同领域使用投入式冷冻标本的三种冷冻TEM应用。



Video Tutorials: Filling and Assembling of Different Carriers for High-Pressure Freezing

High pressure freezing (HPF) is a cryo-fixation method primarily for biological samples, but also for a variety of non-biological materials. It is a technique that yields optimal preservation in many…

FusionOptics in Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology – for a Larger 3D Area in Focus

Neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists deal with delicate structures, deep or narow cavities and tiny structures with vitally important functions. A clear, three-dimensional view on the surgical field is…


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